Winter Is Coming! Are You Ready?

20th Oct 2023

Winter Is Coming! Are You Ready?

Winter is right around the corner. Yeah, we know, most people don’t want to hear it, but here in northern New York it’s just part of life. There are many things you can do to help conserve heat and energy in your home during the winter months to keep you and your family comfortable throughout the harsh New York winters, as well as save you money on your energy bills!

  1. Take advantage of the sun! Open curtains on south-facing windows on sunny days, and then close them at night. This will allow the sun to help create heat in your home, similar to that of a greenhouse.
  2. Cover drafty windows using a heavy-duty plastic. Many hardware stores carry window kits that include not only the plastic, but also the double-sided tape to attach it – you then use a hair dryer to make sure it’s a nice snug fit. This will help reduce heat loss through the windows in your home by keeping the heat in and the cold out! You can also install insulated curtains for an extra layer of protection.
  3. Install door sweeps and weatherstripping around your doors. This type of air-sealing is easy, cost effective, and efficient. You obviously can’t put plastic around doors that have to open and shut, so being sure they are sealed when the door is closed is of utmost importance. Most weatherstripping and door sweeps can be easily installed and will really help prevent heat and energy loss this winter season.
  4. Turn down your thermostat when you are away or sleeping. Your house will not catch a cold from the thermostat being turned down when you’re away! This can help save you up to 10% on your energy bills throughout the winter. When you’re home, set the thermostat as low as you can while still staying comfortable. Also, install a programmable thermostat – many new-age thermostats can be set from your phone! This way, you can turn the thermostat up when you leave work so the house is nice and toasty by the time you get home!
  5. Maintain your heating systems - This is important not only for energy saving and heat preservation, but also for safety. Change your furnace and heat pump filters often and have them serviced at least once per year. If you’re running a wood stove, pellet stove or fireplace, be sure that you keep your flue clean to ensure efficiency. Also a safety tip, if you’re running a woodstove, clean the chimney before and after each winter season to avoid chimney fires!
  6. Check your damper - Be sure the damper on your fireplace or wood stove is closed tightly if not in use – keeping this open is the same as having a window open!
  7. LED Decorative Lights - Some of the most decorative holidays occur in the winter season. Trade in those old-fashioned holiday lights for more efficient LED lights to help prevent sky-high light bills this holiday season.

Whether you love or hate the winters here in New York, there are ways to help ease the stress of high energy bills, and cold temperatures!