
Show Your Furnace Some Love!

16th Feb 2024

Show Your Furnace Some Love!

With all the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be difficult to remember to take care of things like your furnace filter. However, dirty furnace filters can wreak havoc not only on the furn …

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​Icicles & What They Mean!

8th Feb 2024

​Icicles & What They Mean!

We all have those fond memories as kids of icicle “freeze pops”, icicle sword fighting, and admiring how pretty they looked on the eaves of the house in the morning sun. Although they are pretty, the …

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Holiday Season Energy Saving 101

27th Nov 2023

Holiday Season Energy Saving 101

Thanksgiving is over, and it is officially the start of the holiday season. Regardless of which holiday you celebrate this time of year, there are various ways to save energy that everyone can app …

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Holiday Feast Energy Tips!

6th Nov 2023

Holiday Feast Energy Tips!

Well, Halloween is over, and it is officially the start of the holiday season. Thanksgiving of course is the first in line. Food prep, baking, roasting, frying, and then the mess afterwards not o …

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Winter Is Coming! Are You Ready?

20th Oct 2023

Winter Is Coming! Are You Ready?

Winter is right around the corner. Yeah, we know, most people don’t want to hear it, but here in northern New York it’s just part of life. There are many things you can do to help conserve heat and e …

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